Dan Collison, BA, CFP, TEP
Dan Collison, BA, CFP, TEP
Managing Partner at Advice2Advisors


Daniel Collison has over 30 years in the financial services industry.  Dan is the co-founder and Managing Partner in the financial education firm Advice2Advisors, which trains, mentors and coaches financial advisors of all tenures.  Dan is a CFP, TEP and has taught Personal Financial Management in the MBA Program at the Schulich School of Business since 1998 and is the author of The Financial Advisor’s Guide to Excellence and soon to be released Building Bigger and Better: Growth Strategies of Top-Producing Financial Advisors. Dan regularly presents keynotes and trains advisors across North and South America.

What's in it for me?

Dan Collison’s Premier Coaching offer introduces advisors to growth strategies of top-producing advisors, allowing advisors to master critical aspects of high performance. By achieving these aspects of high performance, it allows the advisor to not only achieve greater results with their practice, but greater results through workshops of a variety of topics.

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